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Horrocks Wins 2021 SMPS Utah Cornerstone Award for Top Social Media Campaign

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

(From left to right) Russell Jolley, Tawny Larsen, Ariel Peterson, and Krupa Desai

Horrocks was recently presented with a Cornerstone Award from the Utah chapter of the Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS). This award, presented for the Top Social Media Campaign, recognizes the Horrocks marketing team for their combined efforts planning, designing, and executing our firm’s 2021 Engineers Week video campaign.

Engineers Week, or EWeek, is a celebration of the engineering industry founded by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). This annual event takes place every February to honor the contributions of engineers and raise awareness of the engineering profession. For the 2021 EWeek celebration, Horrocks’ marketing team encouraged younger generations to learn more about engineering through a series of educational videos. Following NSPE’s 2021 theme “Imagining Tomorrow,” these five videos each answered a child’s question about engineering and encouraged them to imagine a better tomorrow through innovation.

The SMPS panel of judges applauded the campaign videos, complimenting the marketing team for creating "well thought-out and planned videos capturing age-appropriate content for young audiences.” One judge commended the quality of the campaign and stated, “I can see these videos being used in schools for years to come.”

We are proud of our marketing team for their creativity and originality in developing this video campaign and congratulate them on this amazing win. If you would like to view the 2021 Engineers Week videos, you can find them on Horrocks’ YouTube channel by clicking the button below.


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