Let access to smart data power your project.
One of the biggest hurdles infrastructure managers face is limited availability of data. This state-of-the-art roadway construction documentation app automates the reporting process from inspection through testing and reporting. It allows users to document field inspections and tests within a map-based interface for instantaneous reporting. Inspectors have access to stationing and CAD designs and can customize forms with prompted and automated entry fields.

Earthworks Module
The Earthwork Module streamlines the density testing process. It automatically pinpoints an inspector’s location on the project map and allows them to enter testing information with autogenerated test locations and real-time error checking
Inspection Module
The Inspection Module standardizes data entry through customized forms. All inspections and punch list items contain the project and construction data desired by the project team (e.g., work type, pay item, weather conditions, inspection notes, etc.). The module offers the ability to document inspector and contractor signatures when needed and clarifies the data entry process through radio buttons, drop down menus, autofill, auto calculate, and conditional prompts. All entries are geo-linked via the GIS map interface.