An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was prepared for improvements to Geneva
Road between Provo Center Street and State Street (SR-89) in Pleasant Grove, Utah.
An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was prepared for improvements to Geneva Road between Provo Center Street and State Street (SR-89) in Pleasant Grove, Utah. The purpose of the project was to improve regional and local traffic mobility. The Selected Alternative included widening the existing roadway to between three lanes and seven lanes,
intersection improvements, improvements to the horizontal alignment at 400 North in Orem,
and sidewalk, trail, and shoulder upgrades to improve pedestrian and bicyclist access. The
EIS included: coordination with UDOT and FHWA environmental staff; coordination with
applicable resource and regulatory agencies; traffic analysis; development of Purpose and
Need; alternatives evaluation; public open houses and public hearing; and impact analyses
for land use, farmland, social conditions/environmental justice, right-of-way, economic
conditions, pedestrians and bicyclists, cultural resources, (Reconnaissance Level Survey),
noise and noise mitigation, and an Individual Section 4(f) Evaluation.
CULTURAL RESOURCES: A Selective Reconnaissance Level Survey (RLS) was prepared
for the study area and identified more than 200 architectural resources in the study area, of
which 101 architectural properties were on or eligible for the National Register of Historic
SECTION 4(F): The cultural resources discussed above qualified for protection under
Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act. Through the use of design measures,
only five architectural properties were determined to have a non-de minimis Section 4(f)
use. An Individual Section 4(f) Evaluation was prepared for these five properties. The
Section 4(f) Evaluation included developing avoidance alternatives, determining if the
avoidance alternatives were feasible and prudent, conducting a least overall harm analysis,
and developing measures to minimize harm.
NOISE: Noise impacts and noise mitigation options were evaluated for 11 miles of roadway
on Geneva Road and several noise walls were considered. Team members explained noise <a href="">Visit us</a>